It's quite true that in order to achieve something, one must sarcifice something else. Isn't that what we called as "opportunity cost"? However, what is the most disappointing isn't the stuff
that have been sarcificed, rather it is the truth that even sarcifing, we may still be unable to achieve what we really want.

Vincent Van Gogh once said,"The best way to know life is to lose many things." How true it is, don't you think so? On the surface, we may lose many things, but actually we gain even more. And H Mable said," Do not be afraid of opposition- Remember a kite flies againt, not with the wind" Just like we gain when we lose.

Dream and reality contradict when people tend to be impractical and lack of preparation. When people dream, they will forget that things don't really go the way they want it to be. After all, thoughts and behaviours of the human beings are beyond God's control . Sad to
say that even we attempt to be practical, dream and reality can still contradict quite a lot and when that happens, the disppointment can be beyond our imagination.

What we can do is only to accept reality, amend our dreams and strive for the best we can...not the best we dream..

Greediness is the path to disappointment.Happiness is what many longed to have and own, the only way is through satisfaction.


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